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More than 50 diseases are reported in sugarcane [1], fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes cause the most destructive diseases. These all diseases are injurious in some areas, in some years and on some plant parts. All parts of plant are subject to disease and one or more diseases can occur on virtually every plant and in every field.

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Sugarcane Diseases Detector Recommendation of treatment
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Result: Leaf Spot 95% Detected

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Stem canker

The disease causes wilting of canes. The affected canes show drying of leaves from top to bottom.

Leaf Spot

The disease may be characterised itself on leaves as small lesions, which gradually enlarge along mid rib and assure dark red to brown colour.

Red Rot

The disease first appears as red bright lesions on mid rib of leaves and shows itself as drooping and changing of colour of upper leaves.

Yellow Spot

The disease causes wilting of canes. The affected canes show drying of leaves from top to bottom.

Mosaic Virus

Mottling of young crown leaves showing a definite pattern of alternating dark and light green coloured patches of varying size and run parallel to the midrib of leaf.

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Few Reasons Why People Choosing Us!

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Adam Crew


Doris Jordan


Jack Dawson



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